Shape Your Project

The Challenge

Understanding which of your organization’s needs could be addressed with pro bono services and developing a strong volunteer project.

Why is This Important?

Even when services are provided pro bono and free of charge, they still require a significant investment of staff time and effort. For this investment to pay off, it is important to identify a project that will effectively further your top organizational priorities. Projects that are well-defined and carefully vetted have a greater chance of realizing their intended impact and leading to mutually beneficial experiences that unlock the potential for repeat partnerships and long-term relationships.

What You’ll Learn

  • Access sample pro bono projects, templates, and case studies to get a headstart on your project ideation and execution
  • Identify the support your organization needs to accomplish its goals and understand whether it could be provided through pro bono services
  • Scope pro bono projects and assess their strength and monetary value

Tools and Resources You’ll Use

View Sample Projects

See common skills-based volunteer projects, along with peer-generated examples and templates

Scope Your Project

Scope a strong skills-based volunteer project through our guided scoping exercise

Value Your Project

Calculate the monetary value of your proposed project to share with key stakeholders

Assess Your Project

Receive an objective assessment of the readiness of your proposed project, along with customized tips for positioning the project for maximum organizational impact